Opis VH101, temperatura standardowa, angielski, QWERTY, wewnętrzny 12–48 VDC, 802.11 a / b / g / n,...
WAP4XX essential 3 day turnaround, 5 yearsfor wap4xx with non comprehensive coverage. includes colle...
TC56XX essential, 3 day turnaround, 3 years for tc56, purchased after 30 days, with comprehensive co...
VC70XX essential, 3 day turnaround, 2 years for vc70xx, renewal, with non comprehensive coverage.
DS6878 essential, 3 day turnaround, 2 years for ds6878, renewal, with non comprehensive coverage.
drukarka etykiet, służba zdrowia, transfer termiczny, rozdzielczość: 12 punktów / mm (300 dpi), szer...